Under prostatitis, urologists understand the inflammatory processes in the prostate gland that occur due to various reasons. The prostate belongs to the genitourinary system, surrounded by other organs and tissues, so the symptoms, especially in the initial stage, do not allow to determine the disease. Let's try to find out what are the first signs of prostatitis that can indicate the onset of the disease and tell you where to go for help.
Signs of chronic abacterial prostatitis
The disease occurs due to trauma to the tissues of the prostate gland or due to the influence of a number of other factors:
- sedentary lifestyle and concomitant disorders of blood microcirculation;
- reflux of urine into the prostate gland;
- narrowing of the lumen of the urethra due to a tumor, stone or inflammation;
- sharp contraction of the pelvic muscles;
- hypothermia, smoking, alcohol abuse.
Symptoms of this form appear gradually, their severity increases over time. At first, men may complain of a frequent urge to urinate, accompanied by a burning sensation at the urethral opening.
At this stage, prostatitis can be confused with urethritis, so laboratory diagnosis is important.
As the inflammatory process progresses, other signs of the disease appear in the tissues of the prostate gland:
- urge to urinate at night;
- pain in the perineum (may radiate to the head of the penis, anus, thighs, and lower abdomen);
- absent or weak erection;
- pain during ejaculation;
- increase in body temperature to 37, 5-37, 8 ° C.
In case of violation of the integrity of the tissues of the prostate or adjacent areas of the urethra, blood can be observed in the urine or semen. The man pays attention to small flakes of scarlet or brown color.
Signs of acute bacterial prostatitis
Bacterial prostatitis is caused by pathogenic and conditionally pathogenic microflora. Microorganisms can live in the intestines or on the skin of a man, if hygiene rules are not followed, they enter the prostate through the urethra and quickly develop in the tissues of the gland. Another option is the penetration of the pathogen into the urethra, and then into the prostate during unprotected intercourse. Infection is also possible with an incorrect prostate biopsy.
Once on the mucous membrane of the prostate, the bacteria develop rapidly, the colony grows in just 2-3 days. The first signs of prostatitis in this case will be:
- chills, fever, fever;
- pain in the perineum, lower back, or lower abdomen;
- violation of urination (pain, intermittent stream of urine, frequent urgency).
In the absence of treatment or incorrect tactics of therapy, the disease will progress. After a few days, constipation, acute urinary retention, pain in muscles, joints and lymph nodes may appear. Signs of intoxication are also possible: nausea, vomiting, weakness.
The interval between the first symptoms and the most striking clinical picture can be 3-4 days.
Signs of chronic bacterial prostatitis
The chronic form of bacterial prostatitis occurs with improper treatment of an acute course, as well as due to trauma to the bladder and illiterate catheterization. The situation when the inflammatory process in adjacent organs passes to the prostate gland is not excluded.
A man can miss the first signs of chronic prostatitis - the symptoms of this form are characterized by mild severity, periods of remission are possible. The disease can be suspected by the following manifestations:
- trouble urinating;
- dull, aching pain in the perineum;
- erection problems
Periods of exacerbation alternate with calm. A man may mistakenly think about getting cured and not visit a doctor. Such an attitude is dangerous: the inflammatory process advances, the prostate tissues are reborn, and the organ loses its functions. As a result, prostatitis can lead to infertility and cause sepsis, blood poisoning.

Clinical manifestations of the pathology.
Prostatitis has no characteristic signs, it can be confused with other diseases that have similar symptoms, with cystitis, urethritis, chlamydia.
Knowing the early signs of the disease will not help make an accurate diagnosis. It is more effective to pay attention to clinical manifestations.
For acute bacterial prostatitis, the following signs are characteristic, which are revealed during examination and laboratory examination of urine and blood:
- the body temperature in the anus is higher than the temperature in the armpits by 0. 5 ° C;
- increase in the number of leukocytes in the urine;
- decrease in the number of eosinophils;
- increased C-reactive protein;
- increased PSA levels in the blood.
A blood test for PSA content is not mandatory, but it helps to get a clearer picture of the pathological process.
How to give first aid and who to contact for treatment
Prostatitis refers to diseases that do not threaten the life of the patient at the initial stage. With severe pain, you can take painkillers, but this is an exception to the rule. It is better not to take such pills, so as not to blur the clinical picture and prevent the doctor from making a correct diagnosis. Antipyretics can be taken to combat high fever.
With a competent approach, first aid is provided in a medical facility. To do this, a man must contact a urologist at the place of residence or stay. If for some reason it is impossible to visit a doctor at his own expense, he must call an ambulance.
Taking antibiotics on your own is strictly prohibited.
These drugs are prescribed taking into account the type of pathogen, uncontrolled intake can increase the resistance of bacteria and aggravate the manifestation of intoxication.
Consequences of ignoring the first signs
Most men prefer not to see a doctor, especially when it comes to problems in the genitourinary system. This attitude can be dangerous. Prostatitis is a serious disease and can cause negative consequences:
- transition to a chronic form, which is practically untreatable;
- development of infertility;
- spread of infection to nearby organs;
- decreased potency;
- sepsis onset.
This last condition directly threatens the life of the patient. The probability of a fatal outcome is 30-50%, and each hour of delay in medical care increases this value by 8%.

Knowing the first signs of prostatitis in men helps to suspect problems in the body. A more accurate diagnosis is made on the basis of an instrumental examination and the results of a laboratory study of blood and urine. Prostatitis can threaten a man's life, so self-treatment is unacceptable. If you postpone visiting a doctor, the disease can become chronic, which is very difficult to cope with.